Follow your intuition – your heart, your passion
Realise you are worthwhile and valuable
Laugh more
Do things you enjoy – treat yourself
Fill your life with the peaceful and joyful music you love
Help and share with others – small gestures can change lives, including yours
Wear loose clothes, natural fabric, and light colours
Watch light-hearted films
Avoid violent or valueless programmes
Get your priorities right
Remind yourself you are a valuable person
Do some fun exercise
Do not judge or criticise people
Avoid gossip
Make money instead of debts
Wear colours and styles that feel right and suit you
Love yourself – be your own best friend
Wherever you go, take the calm and silence within you
Life is a natural high without the use of alcohol and drugs
Decide if you need newspapers, radio, or TV news in your life
Smile a lot – it’s catching
Walk in nature
Have a job you love (yes you can)
Look at waterfalls and oceans
Organise the paperwork (while listening to lovely music)
Have a pet you love
Have bright, cheery friends
Sell or give away everything in your life you don’t use, don’t like, or don’t enjoy
Be positive about everything. Yes, everything
Ask for help whenever you need it
Let go of the idea that you need things
Praise people
Watch lots of stars and sunsets
Give and receive lots of hugs
Make a special box or place to cheer you up and remind you how special you are. Put in cards, letters, articles, poems, small gifts, messages, pictures, certificates, commendations, successes, and your own inspired thoughts
Send cheerful, positive, loving letters
Be responsible for your thoughts and actions
Walk with friends
Make positive affirmations
Play with animals
Discover the natural ways to heal yourself
Meditate in stillness
Give and receive massages
Create a wish list
Learn an exciting new skill
Let go of ideas about how young or how old you are
Go somewhere you always wanted to go
Meet or write to people who inspire you
Set a wonderful example (children and others copy our actions)
Play the wonderful game of life
Use crystals
Be the person you want to be
Make your home clutter and chaos free (sell, swap, give, or throw things away)
Pay off your debts
Save 10% of your income
Avoid negative people and those you don’t like
Fill your life with positive people, thoughts, reading, and listening
Write “thank you” notes and letters commending people who have done a good job
Free up your life. Make a list of everything in your life that is incomplete. Then either do it, decide you don’t want to, or get someone to do it for you
Don’t fill your mind with endless thoughts and worry
Invest quality time with loved ones
Find the best in everyone
Soak in lovely bubble baths
Send out Light, prayer, good thoughts, and love
Live in a home, town, and country you love
If you have a car – get one you love
Exchange services with people (barter)
Have fun – life is joyful
Leave any soul-destroying job or relationship
Stand tall and straight
Forgive quickly and freely, yourself as well
Leave the chores you dislike for someone who loves them
When you drive, listen to tapes, to entertain, inspire or educate
Look at all the “right” things people do
Write down five things you are grateful for each morning – read them
Let go of guilty feelings. If it feels right, make amends
Do what you do well
Love people
Love life
Decide you can
Around the home
Lovingly create your dream home, even if renting
Have white or pastel coloured candles lit
Use essences and essential oils
Have quiet times
Have a well lit home – sunlight if possible
Make beautiful curtains and covers
Have light coloured or natural furniture
Paint or wallpaper in colours you love
Build an indoor waterfall
Avoid dark or clashing colours and dark furniture
Keep your environment in order
Keep the house and car clean
Clean and open your windows to the world
Enjoy lots of indoor plants or perfumed flowers
Create a garden, make your own compost
Keep the lawn mowed and the garden tidy
Use non-toxic house paint, furniture and furnishings
Avoid chemical garden fertiliser and pest control methods
Natural health
Get lots of sunlight, without sunburn
Drink lots of good quality water
Eat delicious fresh, light foods in small quantities
Live a chemical, drug, and pesticide free life
Find out the natural ways to heal yourself and your body
Make your own fruit and vegetable juices
Avoid inhaling toxic fumes from paints, petrol cleaners, etc.
Locate an excellent natural health practitioner to use and recommend
Grow your own organic vegetables
Dry your own fruit
Use natural healing herbs and vitamins
Use natural fabrics and products, including soap, shampoo and toothpaste
Eat fresh organic vegetables and salad
Use natural make-up or none
Source From Sandy Stevenson © Extract from her book I AM HERE.
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